Have you participated in #igotdressedtoday over on Instagram? I have loved seeing everyone’s outfits! I am definitely getting better about putting together outfits and putting an effort into putting myself together (some days…). Here is a round-up of some recent outfits with links for those who are interested!
dress/ vest / booties / necklace (similar)
open front cardigan / striped shirt (similar) / destroyed jeans / booties / necklace
lightweight sweater (similar) / necklace / vest / destroyed black jeans / hunter boots
dress (old, similar here) / chambray shirt / necklace (Baublebar-old, similar here, here, here) / booties / watch (old Michael Kors, similar here) / fitbit charge
plaid shirt (similar) / open front cardigan / destroyed jeans / hunter boots / necklace
Make sure you post your outfit and tag me (nicole.warner) on Instagram! Like I’ve said before, there is nothing wrong with wearing leggings or workout clothes (guilty!) but it makes me feel good to dress nice. Sometimes putting a little extra effort into an outfit gives me a little more confidence. And it helps remind me that I am more than just a stay at home mom
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